Ryan Marx

My name is Ryan Marx.  I started my photography journey in 2016 when I bought my first “real” camera.  I’ve always enjoyed the beauty of nature and I loved taking photos, but wanted to get a bit more serious about it all and upgrade from using my phone. My wife Taryn has always been incredibly supportive of my endeavors and A few months later she introduced me to her friend Rob.  Rob is an amazing and talented photographer and taught me so much of what I know now.  Rob invited me to join him for an early morning of landscape photography on Lake Michigan.  It was great getting up early, driving in the dark and showing up to the location an hour before the sun would rise.  The anticipation of capturing a beautiful scene that most people miss out on was exciting to me.  

Another passion of mine is aviation. I’ve been interested in anything aviation since I was about ten or eleven years old. I started flight training when I was around twenty years old. After many ups and downs and with the help of my Wife Taryn and amazing flight instructor and friend John, I was able to receive my Private Pilots Certificate. I love to fly and naturally I bring my camera with a small prime lens attached with me when I go up. I’m addicted to chasing light. Photography has enabled me to see the world in a new way.